…explores how to visualize a person’s consciousness and emotional world three-dimensionally through a psychogeographic approach.

By combining interviews with people’s photo and video archives, an AI merges this data into a 3D map of their thought world. The result is a multidimensional portrait that reveals the connection between memories, environment and identity. This uniquely reveals a person’s inner complexity.

“In this I want to take both the philosophical and ethnographic approach and try psychogeography in a ‘new look’ or rather cross-media creation.”

About Alexander

Alexander recently graduated from the Moving Images course at the AKI in Enschede. Previously, he has been past of the collective BlackBrick, where he mainly worked on multimedia installations. During his graduation he started to focus more on storytelling with the making of a short film.

“With this project, I want to both focus on storytelling and work with multimedia installations so that both merge into a better work.”