New Open Calls
Read more: New Open CallsLast week, two Open Calls opened for which we are seeking cross-media makers: The deadline for both open calls is Nov. 11 at 12:00. Want to learn more about these open calls and how to apply? Click on the open call you are interested in and read more!
Read more: GOGBOTFrom September 12 to 15, the new edition of GOGBOT will take place. This is THE festival for multimedia art, music and technology in Enschede. Organized by our partner PLANETART, GOGBOT revolves around exhibitions with art installations created by internationally famous and emerging artists. Live digital music, keynotes and workshops are also a part of…
Presentation evening Oyfo
Read more: Presentation evening OyfoOn Oct. 10, it’s that time again: a Cross-TIC presentation night. Some of our makers will present and explain the work they created during their trajectories. They will also talk more about how they experienced their trajectory and what they take from this into their future projects. This evening will be filled with the creative,…