Time Based Media

Time Based Media is a profile for film and video projects, (post-)Internet and sound art in which technology plays an important role. A project within this profile is not tied to a specific venue, which means there is plenty of room for the development of autonomous projects – as long as a cross-media approach is central.


OPEN CALL: Production x Time Based Media and Research X Time Based Media

Deadline: August 12th 2024 | noon

Cross-TIC seeks artists who would like to create a cross-media production or research project.

Learn more about Research X Time Based Media here.

Learn more about Production X Time Based Media here.

About Cross-TIC
Cross-TIC is a multi-year project taking place throughout Twente that aims to give artists living and/or working in Twente the opportunity to develop innovative cross-media art projects. The projects can take place at different art institutions and can be short, medium or long. During a trajectory, an artist is encouraged to experiment, conduct research, enter into new collaborations and develop himself further in the business field as well. The outcomes are made visible at cultural institutions (libraries, culture houses, film houses, theaters and museums), at festivals or at the creative incubators in the region. Cross-TIC will take place until at least the end of 2024, and consists of a total of 33 development paths


Cross-TIC was developed by the Twente Culture Region: 14 Twente municipalities working together in the field of culture. In consultation with the cultural field, they developed a vision for culture in the region. Based on that vision, Cross-TIC was set up by Library Almelo & Theater Hof 88, Werkplaats Diepenheim, Oyfo, PLANETART, Schouwburg Hengelo, Theater Sonnevanck, Stichting Oldenzaalse Musea, Tetem and Concordia (penman).

Contact details
Do you have questions about the Open Call? If so, contact Project Manager julia@cross-tic.nl.