Research X Broedplaatsen

Deadline: 12 August 2024 | 13:00

Project starts: May 2024

Cross-TIC invites you to submit a proposal for cross-medial RESEARCH.

Cross-TIC is looking for artists and makers who would like to conduct a cross-media research project (under supervision) aimed at developing their own craftsmanship and skills. Research generally consists of two aspects. On the one hand, there is a deepening of your knowledge about (the use of) technological tools that can contribute to your cross-medial craftsmanship. On the other hand, there is a theoretical artistic exploration, in which you research the social contexts of the stories you want to tell as an artist or maker. The research must be cross-media in nature contain a technologically innovative component; the rest is free to be filled in by you.

Do you have a great idea for something you’ve always wanted to research, test or experiment with? Don’t hesitate, send in your proposal!

Cross-TIC is looking for artists from all professional art disciplines: film, theatre, visual arts, design, music, and performance who live and/or (want to) work in Twente. We seek artists and makers who work cross-medially, beyond the boundaries of their own discipline; using different media, with a technological and/or innovative approach. And they fit the vibe of PLANETART (organizer of GOGBOT Festival, among others).

This research trajct at Cross-TIC consists of:

  • A place to bring your plan to fruition and present it;
  • A fee of €39.00 per hour (ex. VAT);
  • A small production budget of up to €500;
  • guidance from the profile coordinator for Broedplaatsen;
  • Participation in a maker day (6 – 8 hours);
  • Up to 2 (short) presentations on your project to partners and stakeholders;
  • external expertise: a budget to call in external expertise (in consultation with the profile coordinator) in your desired field;
  • a new network: as an artist within Cross-TIC, you will become part of a new regional, cross-discipline network of makers and get to know the cultural institutions and partners in Twente;
  • Support in developing your entrepreneurship.

Directly to the form

Would you like to submit a proposal? Then submit the following in 3 separate PDFs:

  • your project plan
  • your portfolio
  • your CV

Which this via the Google form above.

Project Plan

Incorporate the following aspects into your project plan:

  • What is your research question?
  • Why you want to execute this plan, what the reason and urgency is for you, and what step you want to take as a creator;
  • how you want to approach this research in elaboration and planning in general terms;
  • A description of the expertise you are still missing (technical, artistic, conceptual, etc.) and experts/professionals you already know yourself that you would like to engage with for your research;

After the deadline, all project proposals are discussed by four profile coordinators. The coordinator of the relevant Open Call is ultimately responsible for selecting the project and supervising it. You will receive a response to your proposal no later than 4 weeks after the deadline. The start date of your project will be coordinated with your profile coordinator. The research trajectory will begin in early September 2024.

Cross-TIC is a multi-year project taking place throughout Twente that aims to give artists living and/or working in Twente the opportunity to develop innovative cross-media art projects. The projects can take place at different art institutions and can be short, medium or long. During a trajectory, an artist is encouraged to experiment, conduct research, enter into new collaborations and develop himself further in the business field as well. The outcomes are made visible at cultural institutions (libraries, culture houses, film houses, theaters and museums), at festivals or at the creative incubators in the region. Cross-TIC will take place until at least the end of 2024, and consists of a total of 33 development paths

Cross-TIC was developed by the Twente Culture Region: 14 Twente municipalities working together in the field of culture. In consultation with the cultural field, they developed a vision for culture in the region. Based on that vision, Cross-TIC was set up by Library Almelo & Theater Hof 88, Werkplaats Diepenheim, Oyfo, PLANETART, Schouwburg Hengelo, Theater Sonnevanck, Stichting Oldenzaalse Musea, Tetem and Concordia (penman).

Contact details
Do you have questions about the Open Call? If so, please contact Project leader at