Open Call Maker Festival Twente

Cross-TIC Production X Maakplaatsen Maker Festival Twente

Coordinator: Tetem
Deadline 2nd October,
Application Language: English

Cross-TIC is inviting artists and makers to submit a project proposal for a new Maakplaatsen Production.

Who can apply?
Cross-TIC aims to support cross-media makers who have a connection to Twente (meaning that makers either live, work, study or have graduated in this region). Visual artists, designers, new media developers and other creatives are invited to apply to a production trajectory in which they will develop new cross-media works with a strong Technology, Innovation and Creativity component. In developing their project, they are offered guidance, expertise and support that will help them refine and realize their work. The Cross-TIC production will be presented to a regional audience through the Maakplaatsen.

About Maakplaatsen
Maakplaatsen are collaborative workspaces inside libraries, fablabs, culture houses, museums, or cultural institutions in all 14 municipalities of Twente, offering programs that mostly focus on technology. Maakplaatsen productions invite audiences from all ages and backgrounds to learn about and participate in new technological and innovative developments. With these open calls, makers are invited to propose a production that will be offered in the context of these Maakplaatsen, in collaboration with Tetem and at least one other partner of Cross-TIC. In this trajectory the maker will also collaborate with 2 Maakplaatsen.

Cross-TIC: Production Trajectories
What we offer:

  • A place to realize and present your cross-media production.
  • Guidance that links you to relevant partners.
  • Fee: € 10.500 (exc. VAT).
  • Production budget: € 5000 (inc. VAT) To cover anything related to production such as material costs including transportation, external help, and travel expenses of the maker.
  • A new network as a maker. Within Cross-TIC, you will become part of a new regional, crossdisciplinary network of makers, and you will become acquainted with the cultural institutions and partners in Twente.

How and What to Submit
Send in your project plan via the submission form

Your complete proposal consists of:

  1. A project plan (max 800 words) that should include:
    • The name of the open call you are applying to.
    • A description of what you plan to do and why.
    • How your plan relates to your existing practice as a maker.
    • How you will realize a cross-media approach, and how you relate to the TIC components of this open call.
    • Which (Cross-TIC) partner you would like to work with, apart from Tetem
    • What external expertise you will be needing to realize your project.
  2. Your portfolio, showcasing your recent projects (max. 5 pages)
  3. CV of you and any cooperation partner(s): 2 pages

After the deadline, all project proposals are discussed by profile coordinators. You will receive a response to your proposal no later than 4 weeks after the deadline.

Open Call Production 3: Maker Festival Twente – Futures Literacy
For this open call, makers are invited to apply to a production trajectory in which they will develop an interactive installation. The installation should be an immersive experience for children and will be shown at the Maakplaatsen in Twente. Makers are invited to propose a new project that is aligned with Tetem’s program theme ‘Futures Literacy’ along with the theme of the Maker Festival Twente. The term ‘Futures Literacy’ was coined by UNESCO’s Riel Miller from the idea that “the future” does not exist; it is a skill that enables people to better understand the future. Futures Literacy strengthens the imagination and improves the adaptability to prepare, recover and reinvent when changes occur.

Framework of the installation:

  • The installation must be movable
  • The installation should be easily transported by regular car
  • The setup and breakdown of the installation can be done by one person in a max. of 30 mins
  • The installation should be durable
  • The installation must be able to operate on 230V
  • The installation can be shown in any open space which can’t be darkened
  • The maker should make a readable manual

Production Period in Tetem: From December 2022 to June 2023. Selected makers will come to Tetem every Wednesday to work on their project, along with participating in different activities such as visiting partners, having expert and critical friend meetings and communal lunches. As part of the trajectories, the makers will also work and present the work in a couple of the Maakplaatsen in the Twente municipalities in the months of February and May, with a maximum of 16 days/halfdays.

Exhibition Period: May 2023. The installation will travel to the Maakplaatsen in Twente and during the Maker Festival in Enschede. During the Maker Festival and the Maker Days, the maker will be present as host, opening and closing the installation along with helping public to navigate.

After the Maker Days in May, the maker will come to Tetem on June 7th and 14th as well, to wrap-up their trajectory.

More information before applying
The Maakplaatsen are coordinated by Tetem, Enschede. If you’d like to learn more about these open calls and trajectories before submitting, Tetem would like to welcome you on September 14th to join a 30min. individual session between 14-16.00, or on September 21nd between 14.00-16.00. Please send an e-mail to to let us know about your participation.

Cross-TIC will be carried out by nine core partners from Twente: Library Almelo & Theater Hof 88, Kunsten op Straat, Oyfo, PLANETART, Schouwburg Hengelo, Theater Sonnevanck, Stichting Oldenzaalse Musea, Concordia, and Tetem. The project is supported by the Province of Overijssel and the 14 municipalities that together form the Twente Culture Region.

