Lees hier meer overde makers die een traject volgden binnen Cross-TIC.
…create a mirror that is a window into another world of sagas and fairy tales.
… develops a jewellery collection through the philosophy of Quantum Mechanics and post-humanism.
…explores the textile heritage of the Twente region and incorporates this into an installation on how women have used textile and needlework in the context of resilience and resistance.
…is working on the project “Nowhere” Within this project, Janko is researching the potential of Unreal Engine to create an interactive CGI video installation with a semi-linear narrative.
…conducts research on sound production when plants are touched.
…makes an installation that merges the conscience of the physical and virtual self into one.
… Creates and programs a new installation in which visitors feel safe.
…explores how the process of natural growth can be stimulated by sound and other media.
… is developing both the software and hardware for a remote dance party at the 360 Lab in PLANETART.
…explore whether a compelling conversation can be established between humans and A.I. and in what form this conversation is most stimulating. Author Yuval Noah Harari argues that future A.I. will not only shape our tools and policies, but also establish deep, intimate relationships with people. This future seems to have arrived as A.I. begins to…
…develops a story around a “living” tiny house inspired by a legend.
…explores how a short film can gain more depth and meaning.
… conducted research on new organic textile forms for clothing.
…programs a pen plotter so that it receives data from the sound of his saxophone and converts it to a drawn work.
… developed a puppet that is a loose-based portrait of my 14-year-old self and the play explores themes of guilt, fear, loneliness, antagonism and Gothic.
… helps children think about their (online) identity through an interactive installation.
… Explores how to experience a vertical sensation with VR glasses.
.. explores how different datasets can influence the creation of generative art in the context of societal challenges.
… translated 2D images to 3D prints and back again.
Tessa Langeveld explores how to magnify the experience of a dollhouse into a cinematic and multimedia installation.
…conducts research into the translation of their orgasmic experiences into audiovisual elements.
… worked in a research and production project on a follow-up edition of their Soundscape Orchestra.
… designed an AR plant shelter for problem plants at Tetem.
…explore how to create conditions that allow people to slow down and experience “internal” and “external” life.
… considered the impact of micro-plastics on our future coral reefs and created a new reef from 3D printed clay. … Onderzoekt de kloof tussen mythe en wetenschap. Wat kunnen we leren van oceanenfolklore wanneer we deze kennis combineren met wetenschap en klimaatvoorspellingen met behulp van kunstmatige intelligentie?
…explores how interactive art installations can be a part of group meditation.
… worked on her installation Re-View which playfully documents visitors’ opinions about an event.
.. explored how to challenge the stigma surrounding drug use through an immersive audiovisual experience with his project Breaking the Stigma .. explores how theater or music performances can be enriched with music and images created based on sensor data from the performance venue and audience interaction.
… developed a story for the Storyscope for primary school children.
… developed an interactive game installation that explored the narrative potential of circuit boards.
…explores how air quality data can be transformed into tangible, embodied forms that reveal the invisible effects of pollution.
… Works on his video installation Reinforced Learning, this installation humorously and critically challenges future scenarios of robotization and AI. It will show a collection of “fail videos” in which humans have been replaced by robots. The goal is to visualize a strange future in which robots will mimic illogical and irrational human behavior. Such…
… developed a special cross-media performance around an abandoned train carriage in Twekkelo.
… designed an interactive installation that encourages cooperation, movement and communication between players.
…explores how to visualize a person’s consciousness and emotional world three-dimensionally through a psychogeographic approach.
…produces a participatory auditory experience where visitors form their own soundscapes through movement and interaction.